Joanna Olszak

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Joanna Olszak


About the speaker:

Since 2008, she has been invariably involved in food law - a complex and ever-fluid matter, inspiring, but also full of gaps that can only be filled and used by a true enthusiast and long-term practitioner.

How to navigate in this area? How to understand and tame it so that it does not stand in the way of running a business? This is what he does on a daily basis, turning his experience and skills into the success of clients - both those who are starting their adventure in the industry and its leaders.

He specializes in solving problems with the interpretation of food law, in particular regarding the labelling, promotion and advertising of food, as well as materials and products intended for contact with food. He regularly publishes in the industry and popular science press. He assesses the correctness of typesetting, prepares drafts of letters for offices and trains all those who want to learn the secrets of food law and practice them in practice while having fun at the same time.