Full agenda

    • First day

      Wednesday 09.10.2024
      • 11:00 - 11:30
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        Jubilee ceremony of the Polish Chamber of Packaging and the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow

        We invite you to the jubilee ceremony of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Chamber of Packaging and the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. During the ceremony, a surprise awaits each participant.

      • 11:30 - 12:00
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        More information soon

      • 12:15 - 12:45
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Perspektywy branży opakowań w świetle najnowszych trendów makroekonomicznych

        Due to its wide range of recipients, the packaging industry can be treated as a kind of barometer of the economic situation. On the other hand, the diverse range of products and packaging recipients makes this sector relatively resistant to turmoil in the macroeconomic environment. In the presentation, Bank Pekao experts will present the impact of last year's slowdown on the condition of the packaging industry and its individual segments, as well as the main challenges and prospects for the coming quarters in the face of the latest macroeconomic forecasts.

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 13:00 - 13:30
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Projektowanie opakowań do recyklingu - rekomendacja Światowej Organizacji Opakowań

      • 13:45 - 14:15
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Innowacyjne rozwiązania w projektowaniu opakowań

        The talk will focus on the fascinating issues surrounding packaging design and the innovative solutions that have been applied to students' and Professor's projects.

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 14:00 - 14:30
        Agora stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Zmiany wymogów prawnych dla opakowań żywności – jakie, kiedy i co oznaczają dla firm?

        Food packaging must meet a number of requirements resulting from food law regulations. These rules will change soon. What are the present requirements? How will they change and when? We will talk about it during the lecture so that the participants can better prepare for the upcoming changes.

      • 14:30 - 15:00
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Jak chronić nowoczesne wzornictwo przemysłowe w Polsce i w Europie?

        The presentation will focus on the mechanisms of protecting industrial designs through registration in the relevant patent offices in Poland (UP RP) and Europe (EUIPO) and on interesting and inspiring examples of disputes concerning packaging design.

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 14:45 - 15:15
        Agora stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Od arkusza do pudełka w 15 minut – jak wygląda jednoprzebiegowa produkcja opakowań?

        What are the biggest limitations in today's packaging production, and how can we address them? How do advancements in machinery and automation contribute to significant time savings, cost reductions, and improvements in product quality in the packaging industry? Let’s explore the efficiency and innovation behind modern packaging production techniques at every stage – from sheet to box.

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 15:15 - 15:45
        Main Stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Wyzwania regulacyjne dla produktów w opakowaniach w gospodarce obiegu zamkniętego

        Producers and users of packages seem to be much exposed to new legal regulations. Even though changes in law are systemically desired and accepted by societies, they trigger severe practical, logistic and financial challenges.

        This also raises a number of questions, the answers to which are not always as simple and straightforward as they might seem.. Recently, a so-called plastic tax (from the Single Use Plastics Directive) has to be paid upon sale of takeaway packaging and cups - what practical pitfalls do its payers encounter? The deposit system will be launched on 1 January 2025 - is it realistic? What packaging will enter the closed loop as a result? Is an aluminum bottle a metal can? The same date applies to the introduction of European regulations on combating deforestation - is this the end of placing products in wooden boxes? And finally, will the amount of packaging used by producers be reduced if a final legislative consensus on extended producer responsibility can be reached?

        Presentation in Polish.

    • Second day

      Thursday 10.10.2024
      • 11:00 - 11:30
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Recykling w nieskończoność

        CANPACK Group is one of the largest producers of aluminum beverage cans in the world. Supporting the circular economy is one of the key sustainability pillars at CANPACK. Bartłomiej Wojdyło – Sustainability Director Europe at CANPACK will talk about the importance of this topic among packaging producers, examples of implementation and the engagement of the entire supply chain.

      • 11:15 - 11:45
        Agora stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Doświadczenia w ocenie śladu środowiskowego opakowań w kontekście raportowania ESG

        Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Nitkiewicz, a professor at the Częstochowa University of Technology, and an expert of the NATUREEF Association will present the issue of the environmental footprint of a product during the Packaging Innovations Conference in the part of the program focused on updating regulatory changes and the resulting obligations for the packaging industry. The presentation of the guide dedicated to the packaging industry will be preceded by an explanation of the differences between the environmental footprint and the carbon footprint, and all key issues necessary to collect data needed to estimate the environmental footprint will be discussed. In addition to recommendations, methodologies, and standards for calculating the environmental footprint, examples of calculating the environmental footprint, including various packaging materials (case studies) will also be presented.

      • 12:00 - 12:30
        Agora stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Ecolure – innowacyjne, prośrodowiskowe opakowanie kartonowe na podłożu metalizowanym

        Presentation of the product resulting from the implementation of the NCBiR project. Description of the project and presentation of the new product - pro-environmental cardboard packaging with a metalized layer without a protective film. Product features and possibilities of its use.

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 12:45 - 13:15
        Agora stage, Wisła Hall

        [PL] Eko-wyzwania na rynku opakowań. Jak mądrze dopierać opakowania w dobie BDO i rosnących opłat za opakowania?

      • 14:00 - 14:30
        Main stage, Wisła Hall

        Results of the 13th Student Zone Contest

    • First day

      Wednesday 09.10.2024
      • 10:00 - 16:30

        Jubilee Exhibition of the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow

      • 10:00 - 16:30

        Jubilee Exhibition of Packaging from "Olza" Factory

        The unique anniversary of the "Olza" Factory in Cieszyn, owned by the Mondelez International group, inspired the creation of a remarkable exhibition documenting the rich confectionery traditions of both the factory and the region. Since its establishment in 1924, the factory has focused on the production of various confectionery products. Today, it has become a key center for the production of chocolate wafers for many well-known and popular brands, including Prince Polo and Milka. The exhibition showcases the evolution of packaging over the past century through a carefully curated collection.

        More about the exhibition

    • Second day

      Thursday 10.10.2024
      • 10:00 - 15:30

        Jubilee Exhibition of the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow

      • 10:00 - 15:30

        Jubilee Exhibition of Packaging from "Olza" Factory

        The unique anniversary of the "Olza" Factory in Cieszyn, owned by the Mondelez International group, inspired the creation of a remarkable exhibition documenting the rich confectionery traditions of both the factory and the region. Since its establishment in 1924, the factory has focused on the production of various confectionery products. Today, it has become a key center for the production of chocolate wafers for many well-known and popular brands, including Prince Polo and Milka. The exhibition showcases the evolution of packaging over the past century through a carefully curated collection.

        More about the exhibition