Mikołaj Maśliński


Mikołaj Maśliński

Company: Maśliński Law & Consulting

About the speaker:

Lawyer, Managing Partner of MMLC Mądry Maśliński Law & Consulting, PhD student at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Specializes in legal aspects of introducing products and packaging to the market in connection with extended producer responsibility (EPR). Helps entrepreneurs optimize obligations related to the deposit system, waste management, and introducing products to the Polish market, as well as to other markets (including German, Austrian, French, Czech, and Slovak). Deals with comprehensive services related to registration in environmental systems (registration and update applications, reports, legal audits, implementations). As part of his business, he also provides comprehensive support in the field of environmental reporting, including packaging fees and ESG. Expert of the Polish Plastics Pact, as well as many working groups on packaging.